


美國加州大學聖塔 巴巴拉分校 經濟學博士






1. Yang, Der-Yuan, "Monopoly and Nation-building: Past and Present",國際文化研究,第7 卷,第2 期, 73-96, 2011 年12 月(THCI), 73-96, 2011.(THCI)
2. Der-Yuan Yang,“The Evolution of Craftsmen Guilds: Mathing the Needs of an Era, ” Asia-Pacific Economic and Management Review, 14卷1期(其它), 2010, pp.25~46
3. Horace Chueh, Andy Chien, Der-Yuan Yang, Ju-Ann Yang, “Dynamic Relation between Trading Volume and Return: Empirical Evidence from Futures Market, ” The Empirical Economics Letters, Vol. 9 No. 8(Econlit), 2010, pp.757~764
4. Horace Chueh, Der-Yuan Yang, Ju-ann Yang, Yi Fang,“Market Depth of Price Duration in the Taiwan Stock Index Futures Market, ” International Research Journal of Finance and Economics, Vol. 48 No. 48(Econlit), 2010, pp.153~168
5. Der-YUan Yang,“A Tale of Two Monitorings, ” American Journal of Chinese Studies, Vol. 17 No. 1(其它), 2010, pp.69~80
6. Der-Yuan Yang,“The Role of the Bank of England at Its Foundation: A Mechanism for howing Trust, ” 國際文化研究, 6卷1期(THCI), 2010, pp.1~32
7. Der-Yuan Yang,“On the elements and practices of monitoring, ” Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Vol. 65 No. 3(SSCI), 2008, pp.654~666
8. 闕河士,楊德源,“股價指數期貨到期日效應之實證:以台灣股票市場為例, ” 財務金融學刊, 13卷2期(TSSCI), 2005, pp.71~95
9. Der-Yuan Yang,“On Effective Mutual amd Hierarchical Monitoring: From a Historical Perspective, ” 台灣政治學刊, 10卷1期(TSSCI), 2006, pp.69~102
10. 楊德源,“On the Reform of the Legislature in Taiwan: Number Matters (論台灣的國會改革:人數是重要因素), ” 東吳政治學報, 卷 17期(TSSCI), 2003, pp.153~165
11. Der-Yuan Yang,“Reconsidering the Pivotal Mechanism, ” Asian-Pacific Economic and Management Review, 6卷1期(其它), 2002, pp.63~75
12. Der-Yuan Yang,“A Cooperative Perspective on Sovereign Debt: Past and Present, ” Contemporary Economic Policy, Vol. 17 No. 1(SSCI), 1999, pp.44~53