1. Pantas H Silaban, Wen Kuo Chen, Andri Dayarana K. Silalahi. 2023/6 Ixora Javanisa Eunike, Hanna Meilani Damanik. Demystifying Tourists’ Intention to Visit Destination on Travel Vlogs: Findings from PLS-SEM and fsQCA. Emerging Science Journal, 7(3), 867-889. (SCOPUS) (Ital Publication)
2. Au Due Tang, Tuan Trong Luu, Wen-Kuo Chen & Su-Chuan Liu. 2023/3. Internal corporate social responsibility and customer-oriented organizational citizenship behavior: the mediating roles of job satisfaction, work-family facilitation, life satisfaction, and the moderating role of organizational tenure. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, https://doi.org/10.1080/09669582.2023.2195134 (SSCI Q1) (Taylor & Francis)
3. Wen-Kuo Chen, Pantas H. Silaban, Widya Elisabeth Hutagalung, and Andri Dayarana K. Silalahi. 2023/2. How Instagram Influencers Contribute to Consumer Travel Decision: Insights from SEM and fsQCA. Emerging Science Journal, 7(1). (SCOPUS) (Ital Publication)
4. Pantas H. Silaban, Wen-Kuo Chen, Ixora Javanisa Eunike, and Andri Dayarana K. Silalah. 2023/3. Traditional restaurant managers’ use of sensory marketing to maintain customer satisfaction: Findings from PLS-SEM and fsQCA. Cogent Business & Management (2023), 10:2196788 https://doi.org/10.1080/23311975.2023.219678 (SCOPUS, ESCI) (Taylor & Francis)
5. Pantas H. Silaban, Wen-Kuo Chen, Surmida Sormin, Yehezkiel Natamatua B. P. Panjaitan, and Andri Dayarana Silalahi. 2023/2. How does electronic word of mouth on Instagram affect travel behaviour in Indonesia: A perspective of the information adoption model. Cogent Social Sciences, 9(1), https://doi.org/10.1080/23311886.2022.2163525 (SCOPUS, ESCI) (Taylor & Francis)
6. Wen-Kuo Chen, Au Due Tang, and Luu Trong Tuan. 2023/1. The mediating role of organizational identification between corporate social responsibility dimensions and employee opportunistic behavior: Evidence from symmetric and asymmetric approach triangulation. Journal of Hospitality Marketing and Management, 32(1), 50-74. (SSCI Q1) (Taylor & Francis)
7. Trung Dam-Huy Thai, Tin Trung Nguyen, Wen-Kuo Chen, Au Due Tang (2023), "The roles of internal marketing and person-organization fit in hospitality employees’ life satisfaction: an integration of work and nonwork domains", Baltic Journal of Management, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. https://doi.org/10.1108/BJM-06-2022-0240 (SSCI Q4) (Emerald Publishing)
8. Wen-Kuo Chen, Chia-Ju Ling, Chien-Wen, Chen. 2022/11. What Affects Users to Clicks Social Media Ads and Purchase Intention? The Roles of Advertising Value, Emotional Appeal, and Credibility. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics https://doi.org/10.1108/APJML-01-2022-0084 (SSCI Q3) (Emerald Publishing)
9. Wen-Kuo Chen, Chien-Wen Chen, Andri Dayarana K. Silalahi. 2022/6. Understanding Consumers' Purchase Intention and Gift-Giving in Live Streaming Commerce: Findings from SEM and fsQCA. Emerging Science Journal, 6(3), 460-481. DOI:10.28991/ESJ-2022-06-03-03 (Scopus Q1; ESCI) (Ital Publication)
10. Wen‑Kuo Chen, Jing‑Rong Chang, Long‑Sheng Chen, and Rui‑Yang Hsu. 2022/2. Using refined kano model and decision trees to discover learners’ needs for teaching videos. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 81(6),8317 – 8347, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-021-11744-9 (Scopus Q1; SCIE Q2) (Springer)
11. Pantas H. Silaban, Wen-Kuo Chen, Tongam Sihol Nababan, Ixora Javanisa Eunike, and Andri Dayarana K. Silalahi. 2022/6. How Travel Vlogs on YouTube Influence Consumer Behavior: A Use and Gratification Perspective and Customer Engagement. Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies. https://doi.org/10.1155/2022/4432977 (Scopus Q1; ESCI) (Wiley)
12. Tsun-Yu Huang, Wen-Kuo Chen, Chien-Wen Chen, and Andri Dayarana K. Silalahi. 2022/6. Understanding How Product Reviews on YouTube Affect Consumers’ Purchase Behaviors in Indonesia: An Exploration Using the Stimulus-Organism-Response Paradigm. Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies, https://doi.org/10.1155/2022/4976980 (Scopus Q1; ESCI) (Wiley)
13. Man‑Ling Chang, Au Due Tang, Cheng‑Feng Cheng, and Wen‑Kuo Chen. 2022/5.The bright side of environmental uncertainty for organizational learning: the moderating role of political skill. Asian Business & Management, https://doi.org/10.1057/s41291-022-00185-3 (SSCI Q3) (palgrave)
14. Chao-Hsing Lee, Chien-Wen Chen, Wen-Kuo Chen, and Ko-Han Lin. 2021/11. Analyzing the Effect of Social Support and Customer Engagement on Stickiness and Repurchase Intention in Social Commerce: A Trust Transfer Perspective, Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, 22 (4),363-381. (SSCI Q3) (Journal of Electronic Commerce Research)
15. Wen-Kuo Chen, Long-Sheng Chen, and Yi-Ting Pan. 2021/11. A text mining-based framework to discover the important factors in text reviews for predicting the views of live streaming, Applied Soft Computing, 111, 107704 (Scopus Q1; SCI Q1) (ScienceDirect)
16. Navneet Rawat, Nagendra Kumar Sharma, and Wen Kuo Chen, 2021/2. Impact of Demographical Factors on Perceived Marketing Mix and Services. Psychology and Education, 58(2), 3580-3591. (Psychology and Education)
17. Nagendra Kumar Sharma, Kannan Govindan, Kuei Kuei Lai, Wen Kuo Chen, and Vimal Kumar. 2020/12. The transition from linear economy to circular economy for sustainability among SMEs: A study on prospects, impediments, and prerequisites. Business Strategy and the Environment, 30(4), pp.1803-1822 (SSCI Q1) (Wiley)
18. Wen-Kuo Chen, Erwin Mangatur Siburian and Chien-Wen Chen. The Impacts of Facilitating and Inhibiting Factors on Usage Intention of Mobile Payment Services. 2020/3. International Journal of Applied Science and Engineering (IJASE). 17(1), 107-120. (Scopus, Q3) (International Journal of Applied Science and Engineering)
19. Wen‑Kuo Chen, Chien‑Wen Chen, and Yu‑Chun Lin. Understanding the influence of impulse buying toward consumers’ post‑purchase dissonance and return intention: an empirical investigation of apparel websites. July, 2020/7, Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, https://doi.org/10.1007/s12652-020-02333-z (Scopus, Q2; SCIE, Q1) (Springer)
20. Wei-Chuan Chen, Wen-Kuo Chen*,Chien-Wen Chen &Chien-Cheng Lo. 2019/11. An empirical study of willingness to renewable energy installation using importance-performance analysis: the case of Taiwan. Journal of Industrial and Production Engineering, 36(7), 451-460. (Scopus, Q2; ESCI) (Taylor & Francis)
21. Wen-Kuo Chen, Pei-Chu Hung,* Hsuan Lin, Yen-Hsi Lee. 2019. Understanding What Drives Consumers to Use Gourmet Apps: Applying a Relationship Quality Perspective. Journal of Management and Marketing Review, 4 (1), 63 – 71. (ICI World of Journals)
22. 陳建文、陳文國、王湘婷、吳建廳,影響行動遊戲內購買意圖因素之研究:以沉浸經驗與價值觀點為基礎,商學學報,第26期,中華民國107年(西元2018年)第1-34頁
23. Wen-Kuo Chen*, Dong-Shang Chang, Chun-Cheng Chen. 2017. The Role of Utilitarian and Hedonic Values on Users’ Continued Usage and Purchase Intention in a Social Commerce Environment. Journal of Economics and Management, 2017, Vol. 13, No. 2, 139-166. [EconLit]
24. Chien-Wen Chen, Wei-Cyuan Chen, and Wen-Kuo Chen*. 2014. Understanding the effects of EWOM on cosmetic consumer behavioral intention. International Journal of Electronic Commerce Studies, 5(1), 97-102. (EI)
25. Yung-Fu Huang*, Wen-Kuo Chen, Hsin-Fan Chen and Kuo-Lung Hou. 2013. On the optimal inventory policy for the EPQ model under trade credit. Journal of Information & Optimization Sciences, 34(2-3), 187-199. (EI)
26. Wen-Kuo Chen *, Heng-Chiang Huang, and Seng-Cho T. Chou. 2012. Understanding What Determines Consumers’ Expanded Use of Mobile Videophones. Behaviour & Information Technology, 31(10), 953-976. (SSCI)
27. 洪英訓、陳文國、周志隆,物業管理資訊導覽互動平台,物業管理暨防災期刊,2012,1 (4),頁140-159。
28. Yu-Cheng Tu, Yung-Fu Huang*, Wen-Kuo Chen, Hsin-Fan Chen 2011. Using simple methods to derive EOQ and EPQ models with shortage and imperfect quality. Journal of Information & Optimization Sciences, 32 (6), 1333–1340. (EI)
29. 陳建文、陳文國*、徐永穎,網路口碑採用模式之研究,行銷評論,2011 年夏季,第八卷,第二期,頁 175-198。
30. Po-Shun Chen, Yung-Fu Huang*, Wen-Kuo Chen, and Chao-Kuei Huang. 2010. On a retailer’s EOQ in a supply chain with two-level trade credit. International Journal for Engineering Modelling, 23 (1-4), 31-35
31. Yung-Fu Huang*, Wen-Kuo Chen, Yu-Cheng Tu, Hao-Wei Yang. 2010. An easy approach to derive a buyer-vendor EOQ model with changeable lead-time in supply chain. Journal of Information & Optimization Sciences. 31(5), 1097-1101. (EI)
32. Hsien-Tung Tsai, Heng-Chiang Huang, Yi-Long Jaw, and Wen-Kuo Chen. 2006. Why On-line Customers Remain with a Particular E-retailer: An Integrative Model and Empirical Evidence. Psychology & Marketing. Vol. 23(5). pp. 447-464. (SSCI)
33. 唐順明、陳哲弘、陳文國、姜琇森,『企業特質、電子化與虛擬化之間關係分析』,資訊管理學報(TSSCI),2006/4,Vol. 13(2),頁217-242。
34. 唐順明、王俊傑、陳文國,『建構虛擬組織模式之研究』,資訊管理學報(TSSCI),2003/1,Vol. 9(2),頁147-167。
35. 陳文國、唐順明,『動態環境因素對於虛擬企業溝通之影響』,資訊與管理學報,2002/6,Vol. 7,頁53-69。